Monday, October 25, 2010


Podcasting is a technological tool people use to record information and others can listen to on their ipod or mp3 player. After reading about podcasts I decided to get on my iTunes and check out what is out there. Mostly what I found were radio shows and news discussions. Anyone can make a podcast though for free. Teachers can use them to have lectures with their students if they happen to miss class or something. Teachers can also use podcasts to record their lectures when the students were in class to help them study for tests and give them a chance to listen to it again.

Podcasting is similar to other Web 2.0 application in a way that it gives people the opportunity to recieve information without face to face time. However podcasting is different because there is no way for discussion afterwards.

I own an ipod but never use it since I got an iphone. My ipod was only a 1G and my phone gave me more memory and convient. I use the ipod part only for music and ringtones. I would like to incorporate a podcast into my physical education classroom but it would take time for me to get it right. Since there isn't much intelectual testing that needs much studying for, I would use it for some kind of work out for a certain amount of time where students can participate in a structured work out out of class. The advantages about this tool is it is on something convient for student that they already use. The disadvantage is there is no discussion part for students to ask questions about the lesson that day.

Jessica Miller

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Web 2.0 Applications

I my PE classroom I would like to use wikis and blogs help each other with research projects. There are usually not research projects in PE because there is not time. I would like to have some kind of reserach project in my classroom because people learn first hand and students need to go out and really see how exercise and diet can significantly help your future health. Using wikis and blogs students can work on the project outside of class without having to actually meet up with each other. They can check progress and ideas online. On top of that I can check their progress and give them any needed help.

Social bookmarking would be beneficial for my class because I can use it to give students the opportunity to check out health related websites that can be benificial to them or any project they might do. This way if they do a reserach project they have a guideline to follow without using the entire web to find an answer, because doing it that way they could have problems encountering misleading information. However, I would not use a voice thread because there are just not as clear cut as they should be there are many rooms for error.

I have not experienced Tapped In. However, it was intresting to read about it and what it can offer. To me it seems like it is a chat room just specialized. Meaning all the people chatting are talking about a certain topic and with people who know about the topic. The specialized chatting circles are good too because it's more like one on one questioning and you can ask a question you think is stupid without thinking everyone else will think the same.

Jessica Miller

Community Building with Technologies, Chapter 6. Meaningful Learning with Technology, 2008. Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., and Crismond, D.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Assessing Learning with Technology

Assessment activites are needed to see that students understand the information presented to them. There are two types of tests if you want to see a different kind of regurgitation of information. There is recognize that is multipul choice and true false tests. This shows that you can recognize that two things go together by sight alone. Then there is recall which is fill in the blank, short answer, and essay tests. You can use either one of these styles to test learning. These recognization tests show that students understand the surface of information and get the idea. The recall tests make the student have to explain the topic and really think back get the ideas from their head. It depends on what type of feedback you want on which type of test you present. Multipul choice test allow you to put this many people missed it and this many people got it right, but with an essay test you can see if anyone really understood the concept.

An e-portfolio is an online resume/blog/information sheet. It helps teachers exchange information with each other and allow anyone to get a basic understanding about them. It helps students have a contact page to reach a teacher. Computer based tests and tests done on some type of technology. These type of tests impact validity and reliability in a positive way. Students can make just as many mistakes using technology as they can on paper, however students are more amped to use something other than paper and pencile that they are more interactive in their studies.

Technology is going to get us as teachers above and beyond ever though possible years ago. Technology has taken a huge leap in the past 5 years in our classrooms that is helping us mix it up with our students. Anytime students get to get away from the traditional pencile and paper  work they are more in tuned. Technology has also given teachers an advantage by giving them a way to do less teadious work. Computers can do most of the grading and giving teachers more time to make plans for the next day. Technology has also made the classroom more interactive. The book talked about this controller that would allow students to answer questions with this controller and they would be able to see if they got it right or wrong, but also if anyone else missed it. This is a positive and a negative. I have done something similar to this and I would sometimes accidently push the wrong button. Also there could be a question where you get to see if everyone else missed it and no one did but you. There are always going to be disadvantages to something in one way or another but when the advantages outweight the disadvantages, then it's not a bad idea to impliment it into the classroom.

Jonassen, David. Meaningful Learning With Technology: Third Edition.

Jessica Miller