Friday, December 3, 2010

week 14

There are principles about teaching the Gee describes. Gee has identified a number of principles that underlie modern game design that can teach us a lot about learning. I believe that three are very good principles.  The practice principle lets the learners get lots of practice in a non boring way.  It makes the learning not boring because it is virtual.  The practice is related to the task at hand.  I also like the discovery principle.  This is letting the learner experiment and make discoveries on their own.  In my opinion, it is similar to the practice principle but you get to learn on your own by making your own mistakes.  I also like the active, critical learning principle.  I love that it is a more active learning.  I don't believe in passive learning, learning should be a hands on.

Simulation would be easy to incorporate it into a physical education classroom. Pretty much that is the best way to show how to perform an activity. This is already implimented into the class and it is easier to use than in an academic classroom.
I like to play games so getting into games would be intresting.  It makes learning much more fun and I know if I were a student and was given these products, I would love to be involved in this.  When I was in elementary, it made me love math and also there was a program that made me want to learn to spell.  Simulations are a great technology to keep the students involved.  I think that learning is going to be a lot of fun in the future just because of the technologies that are vastly growing today.


Jonassen, D., Howard, J., Marra, R., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 54). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.


  1. I also like the idea of the discovery principle, with a certain caveat you it. I like it as long as the teacher is certain to go over the mistakes that the students make so that they learn not to make those same mistakes in the future. Otherwise, the students could get into the routine of doing something the wrong way and have a difficult time learning the proper way later.

  2. I really liked your final statement. When you mentioned that you think learning is going to be a lot of fun in the future just because of technologies that are vastly growing today. I think this is such a true concept and a good mindset to have. Throughout the class, I have read some people that believe we don't need all of the technologies purely because what we have been doing had always worked, so why change it. However, just because something works, doesn't mean it's the best option. I think we have to evelove with the technologies that are out there, if for no other reason than to help keep our students engaged. If these are the things that interest students, we have to find ways to incorporate it.

  3. I agree that learning will only get easier and more fun with all of the new technologies being implemented every day. Even though I graduated High School in 1999, I can see how many great changes have been made in technology in 11 years. I loved all of the learning games that we had then, but I can see that I would have learned more and been more actively engaged with the games that we have now.

  4. Technology has been with us for a long time and its advances are just amazing. Students will definitely benefit through educational games that they find appealing.

  5. The future of education is upon us. These games and simulations are too fun, and it is vital that the students are engaged and learning.

    Whitsitt Rhys Shelton
