Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meaningful Learning

Technology based rubrics are rubrics made with the help of internet tools. This is helpful because even if you don't use the rubric that is online then it can be a good starter to create a rubric for your classroom activity. Rubrics are good for grading certain kinds of projects/essay/and short answer questions. It gives the teacher an ability to grade answers fairly, it reminds the teacher what exactly they are looking for to get the right grade. It is good for studnets to because they can see what the teacher is going to grade upon.

Clicker assessment tools is an interactive tool that can be used in a room with a ceratin kind of board. It allows the students to give their input during class easily and quickly. It would be a great review tool because as the teacher is asking questions everyone can answer and see how many people got it right and wrong, and can stop and review the material if not very many people knew the answer.

Inspiration/Kidspiration software allows the students to be more interactive in the classroom and can be more clearly examined on their outcomes. This can always be used in the classroom beceause the more you can keep the students interactive the more they will learn and pay attention.

Jessica Miller

Monday, November 22, 2010

Visualizing with Technology

Digital storytelling is a story told by using technology that we have and use today.  It provides use with the ability to connect to the creator from the viewer.  The activity in the book provides students with an opportunity to work together with all the different roles that people who work in movies have to do.  I believe it would be easy to use this in a physical education classroom.  Students could make a simple movie on of them participating in a physical activity. 

Most students want to know how math can be applied to their lives and how they will need it. We try to use visuals to fing a way.  One of the best-known visualization tools is Geometric Supposer, a tool for making and testing conjectures in geometry through the process of constructing and manipulating geometric objects and exploring the relationships within and between these objects.  It allows students to construct their own shape by defining points, line segments, angles, etc.  It makes shape making a lot easier and quicker.  It is also a good visualization because shapes drawn by human can get a tad messy.   This is useful because it makes huge data available to graph.  It is a very powerful and useful tool.  These types of software help the people who are not very good in math or constructing tables and graphs.  The book also mentions graphing calculators which make math a lot easier! I know that since I am a math major, I use it nearly every class period and it has helped me tremendously.  It is like a small graphing software in your hands.  It is a very useful tool and I would recommend anyone to get one.
I believe that you can learn from TV alone on somethings. I have watched my step-daughter watch all these shows on cartoon network or something like that and she knows more spanish from that than me. You can also learn to cook from watching someone of tv do it. Most people learn visually so it is a good way to learn. however you can't learn how to do something without trying it yourself. So technically you can't learn it you just get the idea.

Jessica Miller